The never river

Research / Rome / 2022 - 2023

The never river

The Tiber is the greatest unfinished project of Rome. Since the origins of the city, the relationship between Rome and the territories overlooking the sea has been conflictual. The river fed the city thanks to the shipping of goods until the advent of rail and road transport; however, Rome has always considered the sea outlets of Ostia and Fiumicino as territories to be controlled and preventing their development. The construction of the Muraglioni in the early 1900s cut the relationship between the city and the river, eclipsing its role as infrastructure and gradually its navigability. So, if today the river still appears a sort of urban imaginary, it can instead highlight a potential value. Walking along the river towards the sea, you gradually forget the city as it is immersed in a perfectly preserved ecological path. The Tiber could prove capable of bringing the heterogeneous urban landscape together by rebuilding a system of lost relationships and regenerating the territory through a natural infrastructure that links the city to the Mediterranean.


Winning project of the international Call to Action launched for the first edition of La Biennale dello Stretto


Concept and video: IT’S with 8Production and Maria M. S. Lagunes


IT’S, 8Production


IT’S, 8Production