The dynamic and liquid condition of the surrounding fabric, typical of the contemporary city, and the degree of security required for the CCU CCR CSS, led us to conceive the project as an autonomous and introverted object, with at the same time a strong urban image that would make it a point of reference in an ever-changing context. The building is inspired by the Renaissance villa, a suburban residence of noble families, conceived as a recognisable feature of the rural landscape and able to guarantee protection and autonomy to its residents. The main building and the surrounding walls form a unified image in dialogue with the milieu; at the same time, they protect an autonomous, luminous and welcoming internal microcosm of gardens, patios, living and working spaces.The pattern of the façade consists of long stone slats reminiscent of railway tracks and have the plastic strength of an urban façade. Their design offers a dynamic perception of the building, which changes continuously depending on the angle from which it its viewed.
Railway Signalling Center for the RER and Paris Est area
SNCF Réseau Plateau Éole
Full mandate
Surface area: 4.680 sq m
Budget: 27.500.000 €
2015 – 2021
Architect: SCAPE – Ludovica Di Falco with Francesco Marinelli
BET structures: AEDIS
Acoustics: ALTIA
BET roads and networks: LMP
Economy: Bureau Michel Forgue
Lanscape: Après la Pluie
© Javier Callejas